After a long period of halted operations at the IMPP branch in Irshansk (since October 2022), UMCC Titanium is resuming production. The Processing Plant #3 resumed operations on the 5th of July, producing concentrate through the “dry” beneficiation process.
During the first day’s shift, the Irshansk tam completed all the set goals and tasks, producing an output of 220 tons during the shift.
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Dimitri Kalandadze made the following statement:
“Launching IMPP after such a long halt was a number one priority task for all of us, and we know how vital it was for our employees and our team at the Irshansk branch. Today, many are back at their workplaces. Currently, we are standing at a very important moment in time with major changes taking place in the global titanium industry. UMCC Titanium, as a State-owned company, has every chance to take leading positions and push out Russian presence from international markets. I am convinced that the launch of IMPP is a very good signal for our international partners and I hope that by the end of the year we will be able to reach stable figures and indicators.”